Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bob Pettit!!

There have been signings that I have looked forward to for a long time, and there are those that, dare I say, I have passed on. This one fell in the grey area in the middle. I was not sure, even two days before, if I would go. I had seen the advertisement on an autograph website about a month before, but just couldn’t convince myself that I was definitely going. Since I would not have to take the day off, and my family could go with me, I decided to make an entire day of it. We all loaded in the car around 7 a.m., and we headed to St. Louis! After the drive, we stopped at the Arch and spent a couple of hours enjoying the monument and the waterfront. The signing did not start until 7, and I wanted to be one of the first in line so we could get back on the road home. James Worthy’s picture was just below Pettit’s, and Worthy had signed above his picture instead of below! I had to ask Mr. Pettit to squeeze his autograph beside Worthy’s. He smiled and said, “No problem.” I asked Bob who was the toughest person he ever defended, and he answered Bill Russell. A very long trip was worthwhile, as I am one autograph closer to being finished with this monumental task! This was one autograph I did not think I would get, so it was extra special.