Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jeff Gordon!

Well, I didn't want to mention it in my first post, but I get to meet Jeff Gordon in April!

My brother-in-law (Bruce) and I are flying to Phoenix in April and we will get to meet Jeff on Saturday sometime. We will be going to both the Nationwide race on Friday, and the Sprint Cup race on Saturday. Don't think that just because I am meeting him that he will disappear from the list on the left. I could meet him one day a month, and I would still want to get his autograph in person.

It sounds odd to say, but I don't know what to get signed. Most people could rattle off at least ten things for their favorite athlete to sign. Well, so can I. But narrowing down that list to just one thing is the hard part. I have photos, die cast cars, pieces of his car, even a few DuPont firesuits, but I haven't yet made up my mind on the ONE thing to get signed. I'll keep you posted.

On to other events, my mother celebrated her 72nd birthday yesterday. Like a good son, I called to wish her a Happy Birthday. Her cooking would give Rachael Ray a run for her money. I love my mom.

Until next time...

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Horizons and Goals!

Hello and Welcome to my new blog.

Even though the title suggests Autograph Collecting, which is my main hobby, it will be all about my life. I will try my best to keep Autograph collecting as a main focus. I have never thought about blogging before, but if it helps me clear some thoughts out of my head, then all the better.

As of this date, my son, Will, is eight months old. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. (My wife is a close second.) I am a full time Dad, and I also am in the railroad business.

If anyone is reading this looking for tips to getting autographs, I must suggest two things:
1- get a subscription to Autograph Collector , the best magazine on the subject of autographs,
2 - subscribe to , a great resource for appearances by celebrities, authors, and athletes.

I get no kickbacks for either plug, so that tells you that I truly believe they are worth checking out. I will try to update this blog regularly, but no promises. My family comes first.